
Spirit of wellbeing

The blessing of life is your spirit. If you lose your spirit you lose everything. We may think that having the best things in life is the only way we can ensure "quality of life" for our wellbeing, but there is way more to life than what meets the eye. It’s what we hold within. As we get older we tend to forget about our spirit, we don't put aside time for ourselves in the day to connect with our wellbeing. Recently, I personally have been reading a lot on how vital it is to take care of yourself. It doesn't mean you're being selfish or self centered. It's just as important as anything else. If you don't take care of yourself who else will? We hear about it more now than ever how important mental health is and it truly is. Sometimes we might feel if we don't meet that deadline or can't get certain things done and are running nonstop we're letting people down or even ourselves. That's not the case. It's okay to put yourself first a

Perfectly okay

We all might be waiting till something clicks. Maybe since we were kids we thought of where we'd be 5, 10 or even 15 years from that moment. Some people might be where they want to be, some might have made a different turn. I spoke to many people on how interesting it is to see where you'd thought you'd be,  to where we actually are today. I am a thinker, a dreamer and believer. I always think above and beyond. I had ideas and thoughts 10 years ago on where I would be, but it is no where close to where I imaged. And... I am perfectly okay with that.  We might not be where we wanted to be and that is okay. Sometimes the universe pulls us into another direction where the only thing we can do is go with the current. We have to look at where we are and go with it. See what we can take from it. Maybe take a second to pause and analyze your surroundings and be present.  Community, paying it forward, programming, youth, kids, education. I feel those are some representatio

Mr. Beigel

With everything that is going on in this world it's been overwhelming to put my thoughts together and write. So, I decided to write simply by being present in the moment and go with what comes to heart. I am a thinker, a believer, a dreamer. A leader, a supporter, a friend. To know that there are things out there in the world that might hinder and harm our journey is unbelievable. I thrive to show people things they might have never thought of. Open them to a different world, teach them kindness, teach them how to pay it forward. I can say that I did not expect to be where I am today (which I will go into more detail in a later post) but I am here. I am where I am and I love it. My work consists of being in schools, being around teens and youth. My volunteer work also consists of being around children and kids who are filled with knowledge more than we think (again, another whole subject I can talk about in a later post). I am sure most of the nation is furious to what is going

Copy paste

What defines you... This day in age it seems this question isn't as simple to answer as it may be. Or is it? From what I see, this world is based merely on "copy and paste". Influenced by others, searching within others to find the answer. A refresher; it's what is within. Not letting surroundings define us but to help us bring out the best within ourselves. What defines me depends on how far I can push myself, how far I can go. Comfort. Finding comfort in uncomfortable situations by sharing my kindness and treating others well, (or simply putting up my feet and cuddling up with a fuzzy blanket). Understanding what truly matters and speaking on it. Morals and values. Not hiding or holding back. Skipping out on the small talk. Small talks make me jittery and feels fake. As if we are pretending to have a conversation. Why talk about trivial things when there is much more that is happening in our world. Passion. Passion to seek the truth. Through philanthropic work

Where is the love?

People got me questioning, "Where is the love?" More now these days. More than ever.  Seems there is no change. I might not be able to change society but I will do my best to be the change we hope to see in this world.  These days, we go to the super market and people who might know you, will turn their cheek and act like they do not know you.  One love.